It turns out 33 slides later there is actually a great deal more than the SIP Forum's SIPConnect 1.1 specification when you start to consider all the facets of SIP trunks in their broadest sense, i.e. both Carrier to Carrier - Network to Network Interface (NNI) and Carrier to customer - User to Network Interface (UNI).
From a customer /Enterprise view-point I can see two main scenarios playing out:
Existing TDM PBX where the customer doesn't want to upgrade to a new IP-PBX, so chooses the media gateway route to terminate a carrier SIP interconnection with their TDM PBX.
And Scenario two where a customer has invested in the IP-PBX or Unified comms platform and builds a separate network and connection for their voice infrastructure.
I then went on to consider the following areas:
•Brief market look at SIP trunking – why customers are moving from PRI to SIP trunks
•Carriers Perspective Why SIP trunks make sense
•Customer Scenarios
- E-SBC and IP-PBX Interconnect
- VoIP Gateway to Traditional PBX (AudioCodes, Sonus, Cisco CUBE)
- Multi-site
- IP-PBX or Microsft Lync
- Contact Centres (Queue-ing – SIP Response 182 Call Queued)
- Emergency Services access
• Example
TalkTalk Business & Virgin Media Business, BTWholesale IPVoice and IPExchange
• Emergency
Services Provision
•What a SIP trunk in technically (SIP Forum Standard – SIPConnect)
•Design Options from a carriers perspective
•Authentication (IP address based vs. SIP Registrations, SSL SIPS and SRTP)
•Transcoding, Codec Support
•Session Management
•SIP interworking with ISDN (Q.931, Q.SIG – RFC4497 - rfc4497)
•QoS monitoring
Gotchas –
Point Of Sales devices,
Franking machines
and Alarm systems
Multisite and Bursting
CAC and capacity planning
Optimal Routing (REFER and 302 Redirect, vs 486 Busy and 603 Decline)
Site Failure (detection)
and redirection (SIP OPTIONS messages)
Security Considerations (SPIT – SPam over IP Telephony)